Friday, January 15, 2010

Blog People.

Honestly, I never thought I would be one.

I was a blurker for quite some time of the local gals. A bunch of the besties 'round the neighborhood all had one of these newfangled blog things. I didn't even comment for a while, I wasn't clear what blog etiquette was toward a blurker. A blurker with no blog of her own, none the less. I got over that and became a commenter, before long I joined ranks and was a full fledged member of the blog world.

My Peeps list really did just consist of my friends in the neighborhood. Here's something some of you already know about me--I stink at staying in touch. Like stink big time. Which is kind of crazy because I am a phone talker extraordinaire, always have been. But 'staying in touch' I'm not so good at. I like to think of myself as the best low maintenance friend anyone could ask for...haven't talked in months, haven't seen you in years? Doesn't matter to me, I'm good to pick up and call you my bestie any time.

So, there I was living the dream. Content with the five people who even knew my blog existed. Enter facebook. From there I came across peeps I hadn't seen in years and my fellow Idaho Nelson original gal that I have only met in person once. I'm just sayin''s been an old friend gold mine. My peeps list grew. And grew.

I may still be the same old girl that is not so good at 'staying in touch' but, this whole blogging world makes people like me feel a whole lot better about the 'in touch' issues that have haunted me for years.

I never, in a million years, would be able to keep up with people the way a blog let's me keep up with people. I get to check in whenever the time is convenient for me and leave my two cents--and you get to do the same, and I do love all the two cents people leave for me. In a really round about way (because round about is the only way I say anything) I guess what I am trying to say is while I never thought I would be a blogger, I sure am glad I am.

And I'm glad you all are too. Thanks for giving me a peek into your lives and taking a peek at mine. Here's a farmgirl shout out to you all:
family, new friends, old friends, non-crazy blurkers, and anyone else out there in blog world that has stumbled across the farmgirl life.

Thanks for stopping by and settin' a spell, mighty glad ya did.


Kristina P. said...

It's true! Blogging has changed my life in so many ways. I have built life long friendships through blogging.

Audrey Eliza said...

I am in the "Farmgirl Life"! It is great I must say. I remember when Dad was trying to get you a facebook.
But you just settled for a blog. Then you gave in.

staci said...

So glad you joined the bloggin' world. I love all your stories and getting to know you better! :)

annebabe said...

life has not been the same since you joined the blogging world, its been so, SO much better!!!

and I feel inclined to speak in a hick accent, must be somethin' to do with yer post and all that talk 'bout settin' a spell and such. Let's put a pot of beans on the stove and solve all them problems the ol' world's been havin'.

Pam said...

Ok....I'll admit it. I blurk you on occasion as well. You are just so good at blogging and seeing as you are one of my girl's besties....well, you know! Anyway, just want to thank you again for all the yummy treats while we were catching some rays in southern Utah. You are a star in my book! XO

jen said...

I am so glad you joined the blogging world! I have always loved your comments on my blog and now I love reading your posts!

whirligigdaisy said...

I love your blog, even though I'm only a sporadic checker-inner. But hey, at least I'm not the only one. :)

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

I couldn't have said it begtter myself. Love and love that you found me and now I have found you again.

Anonymous said...

I would be one of those said blurkers and I really do love to read your blog. Someday, you might even inspire me to get my own :)

Bryant P. Castleton said...

So here I am checking in for the first time in weeks and weeks and this is the title that caught my attention! I haven't given up on my blog and this has motivated me to try and post again. I feel more than a big frazzled with my travel schedule lately but you've helped give me resolve to try harder. Thanks for the motivation!

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