Normally, I send out Christmas cards and pictures.
For the last couple of years I stepped it up a notch and even sent out a letter.
I know, big time- right? It's almost like I'm a full fledged adult.
My dear ol' friend Robyn made me a lovely little book a couple of years back to keep said card/picture/letter in.
Well, the whole card/letter/picture thing--it just didn't happen this year.
since I didn't want the book to look like we had skipped the year 2009 altogether I decided to write something up just for history's sake.
Ya, that didn't happen before Christmas either.
So, finally the other day I got around to getting it done.
Bare in mind that I write a little differently when I'm not planning on the world at large seeing it. I wasn't necessarily going to post this here, but with a friendly nudge, I decided to.
And, well, here it is...
2009, in a nutshell.
No Christmas letters sent out this year. Time got away from me. Although, I did think I should write a little something to put in the book. So, here it is…..
This was a year of changes. Mike stopped working for Arnell-West in February; they closed down the St. George branch. This left us with some pretty big decisions to make. We decided to stay here and open our own business. Atlas Property Services made its first dollar on March 14th. Not a whole lot of dollars were made this year, but the lessons we have learned and the growth we have experienced are priceless.
The kids have been beyond amazing this year. Adam is now 14. I can’t really talk about that. He is wrestling these days and loving it. Audrey is 11. She is turning into quite the young lady. She is beautiful, smart and a whiz in the kitchen. Lucy is 9. Goose is forever the comic relief in our family with a heart of absolute gold. Elsie is 6. She is still the singing queen. Her life is a musical, and we are all playing a part. Grant is 3. He is the cutest, most exasperating little man I have ever known. He loves being ‘best brothers’ with Adam and has the whole family eating out of his hand.
Mike is still the scout master. I think Mike will always be the scout master. He loves it and the boys love him. He took them on a 50 miler in the Uintas this summer. I’m pretty sure it was life changing for more than one of those who experienced it. I could not be more proud of what he does and who he is.
I was finally released from the primary and put in the young women’s. It is a change I am still getting used to, but I do like change. I have been tending kids almost full time this fall, along with cleaning the vacation home I have been for years. It has been really busy and pretty stressful at times. Such is life and so it goes.
This year preparing for Christmas was very different and in many ways a lot less stressful than usual. But, as the big day drew near I began to worry if everything really was going to be all right. Every year the girls participate in the town Christmas Eve pageant. It has Small Town, USA written all over it—and I love it. While at the pageant, I truly felt the spirit of Christmas when the whole congregation sang Silent Night, Holy Night. All is calm, all is bright. It was at that moment that Christmas found me. It came without ribbons, boxes and bows. It settled in, right down deep inside. It brought out the tears of gratitude for a year blessed with health and safety, a year that I have felt the guiding influence and love of my Heavenly Father more than ever before.
The sweet blessings of that night didn’t end with the pageant, nor did the feelings of gratitude. If anything they grow stronger every day. This Christmas will not soon be forgotten. In fact, my hope and prayer is that it never will.
We are blessed and loved. Life is beautiful.
I loved this. Thanks for sharing your letter with the world. It really does seem to be an exact moment that Christmas finds me each year and I love that you wrote yours down. Thanks for everything you do for me! So glad to have you for a sister! You know I may just very well be lost with out you (and not just in some old construction site in Nevada!!) Love you and your adorable family!!
dang you for making me cry. that's all I'm gonna say about that.
Awesome! My favorite line....'her life is a musical....'. I have one of those at my house too. I'm just so thankful to have a part in that musical!
Love it! I wish you a very blessed 2010!!!
Thanks for posting this! I loved this little update, it was real but not a downer at all. The thing I love most about you is your ability to make lemonade out of lemons. You are a wonderful writer and I hear you in all your words. You are a big part of my life and I treasure our friendship daily! Thanks for sharing:) This year can only be better right!?
You are is beautiful. There are a lot of lessons to be learned when life isn't exactly going according to plan.
You have such a good's contagious.
Look, it is 12:41 AM and I just read every post on the page. I finished making my 64th and final video for my 2nd semester algebra class and figured as long as I was this close to 1AM, I might as well hit the blogs that I have not seen since August. It is good to read you again, my friend. Can't promise I'll be 100% blogger-sarah again, but I'm aiming for some improvement over the last 5 months.
Loved this. I love reading other people's Christmas letter and yet, I never write my own.
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