When one's husband is the scout master and he heads up a big old group for a fifty mile hike and they will be surviving the week mostly on dehydrated meals and the cheapest way to get those dehydrated meals is by ordering them in bulk and those meals come in #10 cans and your garage is where every thing scout related that doesn't have a home end up,
one ends up with a whole lot of empty #10 cans left over.
one ends up with a whole lot of empty #10 cans left over.
when (six months later) one's husband goes over the garage with a fine tooth comb *organsizing it to the hilt one is liable to have one's husband bring in 30 some odd #10 cans and say,
"Where do you want 'em Honey?"
*a word on the word organsize. This word is derived from a certain cute little two year old, way back when. Adam was a clean freak as a small child. He would tell me he was going to organsize his room and not to bother him. The word organsize was born and has never left us.
one were a regular, run of the mill kind of a girl she might say,
"Uh, the garbage?"
if one were a certain lady named farmgirl she would say...
well, first of all she would take a moment to recite her motto:
Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.
then, she would remember she is the queen (or maybe the princess, her mother is the queen) of finding a use for many an item.
And, she would also remember that MacGyver is her hero and wonder
WWMGD? (what would MacGyver do?)
Then she would say to that sweet lovin' man,
"Bring 'em on in cuz Ohhhh Baby, I can do some serious organsizing damage with those."
Undies, undershirts, socks, tights, leggings at your service.
The husband also is now sporting a drawer full of #10s, I'll spare you the pics.
Adam got on board and is sorting his drawer full of legos into the trusty #10s.
farmgirljunior, who was blessed with the crafty gene,
decorated hers to match her room.
A girl needs her privacy, right?
So, there you have it.
Only two more cans waiting for a home.
I love finding a use for things.
It makes me so happy.
*snort* organsize makes me laugh every time. :)
you most definitely ARE the queen (or since you are deferring that title to dear old mum, princess it is) of clean. And bless that color co-ordinating farmgirljunior's heart. she's something else.
who knew a #10 can could serve so many purposes? How resourceful of you! And I wish I would have known about your stash when Jodi and I were about to go door to door searching out cans for a 2nd grade activity. They are apparently a hot commodity.
Audrey's cans are TDF cute. I love her.
Mary Ann, thanks so much for stopping by my blog, and even better commenting. I love your blog, it is awesome. I am kind of sad because this past year I have not written as much as I would have liked. I managed to post 365 times the year before and only like 150 last year. It was a hard year as you read in my letter. Anywho I am glad to find you in blog land. I will be back.
How freakin' clever of you Farmgirl! I love this idea! Want to come to my house & do some "organsizing"???
I say bring on the "organsizing"!! I might need to borrow crafty girl for an afternoon.
WWMGD????? Ha!! That made me laugh, because, I tell yu...my first impressions where that you were writing some sort of acronym for some mean nasty mama cuss words!!
i like you. i like your treats.
I am very impressed with many things here-- first and foremost, that your good 'ol hubby goes out in the garage to organsize and fine tooth it out there-- the only tooth stuff we get around here, is at the office. Matt's not really into the whole organizing thing--good thing genetically I have passed a little bit of that onto my kiddos, so I have a little help. Anywhoo-- WWMGD, impressive. All the creativeness for the cans, VERY IMPRESSIVE!! Way to go Farmgirl Family!
Apparantly I need some #10's. And some WWMGD motivation! That totally explains why I'm not organsized!
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