This got even more frustrating when instead of loosing teeth, she started getting teeth growing in behind the baby teeth.
We were a little concerned about this.
Me and Lucy that is.
Me- because, well, is that a bad thing? I know it's not a good thing. But how bad is that, really? In the big scheme of things.
My mother (who I default to often. she did raise 8 kids and all) assured me No Big Deal.
Lucy- she was concerned about the new teeth growing in behind for a whole different reason.
She asked me in whispered tones one night if this meant her sister was turning into a shark.
I told her not to worry and that I really didn't think so.
At long last her two bottom teeth became loose!!
Finally two nights ago one came out.
And what does that stinkin' Tooth Fairy do?
She forgets her duties.
Stupid Tooth Fairy.
I'm guessing the Tooth Fairy has possibly had a nasty cold and by the time every one is in bed she had already clocked out both mentally and physically,
that- of course- is purely speculation.
the very next night the girls decided to leave a note for her---
I am very excited that you are here. I kind of felt bad when you didn't come last night. This is my first tooth I have ever lost. It is the tooth that is under right front tooth. Thank you for coming. I hope my tooth is clean.
Here she is in all her toothless glory.
I mean baby-tooth-gone-and-another-tooth-already-there-so-that-the-whole-toothless-thing-is-a-little-anti-climactic.
No matter, she is pleased as punch.
I hope this will ease Lucy's mind a bit.
They do share a bed...I suppose I can't blame her for being a little nervous
sleeping next to her sister who may or may not have been transforming into a shark.