Sunday, November 29, 2009

Idaho Welcomes....ME!

Hi-dee Ho from the Gem State.
Just hanging out enjoying the calm before the chocolate storm that will be touching down here tomorrow morning.

Oooooo I love me some chocolate fun!
Me Mum and I will be starting the week out,
but before it is through all of my sisters will be here.
THIS is unprecedented, Folks.

The only thing that can improve on chocolate week is sharing it with my sistas.
I can't say for sure, but I'm thinking the Nelson booty walk might make an appearance.
I have decided to make it my own special priority to be on quality control.
That's me....always willing to take one for the team.
I'm good like that.


Audz said...

mom, i am so glad you are having fun!
guess what it is cold down here! anyway we love so much

from your loving family

kelli said...

Sounds like you've got all of life's best things...

You are one lucky lucky girl.

annebabe said...

the only reason I'm okay with you being gone for a whole week is that you are bringing back chocolate. and that is the ONLY reason. hurry home with the chocolates, mmmkay? ;)

oh and I guess you can have some fun while you are up there. as long as it doesn't interfere with the chocolates. because that is priority numero uno. I'm obsessed with chocolate.

stace said...

yum...that is all I have to say.

Fonzareli said...

I KNOW how much work goes into the whole fondant making, chocolate dipping extravaganza and you are a TROOPER!!! Let the holidays begin!

jen said...

Have fun and bring home LOTS of chocolate :)!!

jen said...

Oh, and I love Audrey's comment. Such a sweet girl!!!!

Megs said...

Sisters, Idaho, AND chocolate? Sounds like MY kind of party!!! 'test' some of that ooey gooey goodess in my honor will ya? Have a blast and I am strangely facinated to learn more about this Nelson Booty Walk...since I was
born a Nelson too, I am wondering if it is something I have to study hard to learn-or if it will come easily being in my genes... hummmmmm... ;) I better start doing some more squats to prepare my not-so-in-shape booty...just in case! ;D
Love ya and you are my most favorite-est farmgirl EVER!!!!!

Natalie Nelson said...

I don't know about the booty walk but you and Amanda reinacted some pretty good moves from ITYCD today. who needs the pros?

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