Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Joyful Week. Day 5.

Once again I am reporting on yesterday today.  Since the Joyful Day 6 is already waiting for me let's just do a quick little recap of Day 5, shall we?

Here we go, in no particular order, 3 joyful things--Day 5:
*Elsie Girl and Grant Delish playing the whole live long day together, having a sleep over in a fort made by yours truly with very minimal drama and melt down and waking up this morning still happy to be together.
  Love it.
Joyful?  Check.
*Being resourceful.  "Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without".
It's my mantra and I am a pro.  More on that later.
Being resourceful = Joyful.
*Ending the day with a visit from a fellow P-town original
(she grew up in Franklin...literally a few miles from me ),
St. G friend and neighbor
(we met 3 years ago when she moved into the ward)
 -who btw- is actually named Joy.
I'm not even joking.

1 comment:

Karin Webb said...

Ode to Joy! Both of them :) Melany told me they saw you guys. Jealous! Did you end up coming down for Lake to Lake?? That weekend was a blur of family obligations. We totally need to plan a race together!!

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