Friday, February 26, 2010

How do you like my new do?

So....what do you think of my little face lift??
I finally got the new name of my dear old blog actually on the blog.
"knee deep and loving it"
Pretty sweet, eh?

And I did it almost by myself.
Mike gave me a quick tutorial and then coached me from the couch.
That's practically doing it alone, right?
My technical abilities amaze me.

I know your jealous.
We all have our own special gifts.
Some of us were just blessed with these crazy computer-esk wired brains,
like me.

on a totally unrelated ironing side note:
When the tension rod that your husband
purchased and installed in the
laundry room, to hold the
masses of clothes that are waiting
to be ironed,
due to the extreme amount of weight it is
is that a sign
that you should, indeed,


Anthony said...

I'm liking the 'facelift', and about the unrelated side note, I'm thinking.....faulty rod. Its tough to find a high quality tension rod now-a-days.

annebabe said...

lovin' the new look! simply fab. and the whole ironing thing, I agree with your friend Anthony, faulty rod. I mean, come on, its a tension rod, it should be able to hold several hundred pounds of clothing very easily. Get your money back if you can.

Kristina P. said...

I love it! It looks like you've lost 10 pounds!

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

I am seriously impressed. Can I touch you?

On the other topic, I don't beleive anything other than the second coming is a sign that it is time to iron.

Hot Mom said...

I like the new look. I hate to say anything bad about Mike right now, but I am going to have to go with installer error.

SchoMan said...

I'm thinking of mounting a 2" titanium rod welded to vertical I-beams in the walls bolted directly to the foundation ... or maybe I could do the ironing myself ... Nah.

Robyn Lamoreaux said...

I'm with Mike just ironing himself! I know him, when he puts his mind to it, he does it better than anyone else. Imagine how starched and tidy he would look....maybe he would take it on for all the family! Yep, that's my vote!

Natalie Nelson said...

Love the new look.

jen said...

I love the new "face lift"! I am so impressed!

staci said...

Impressive!!! LOVE the new look!!

Audrey Eliza said...

It is so like you!

Sarah said...

I seem to remember that I made a clearly empty promise . . . about a blog header and birthday present. Oops.

Hope the crockpot at least follows through for you . . .

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