You: "Hi, Farmgirl."
Okay, now that we have that out of the way, let's talk.
I kind of like things to go the way I plan them. Especially when it comes to anything pertaining to my domain. Just to be clear- my domain is the house, cooking, cleaning, and the chitlens. There are other sub-domain things, but those are the biggies. Now, I have learned a thing or two over the years, as the kiddos have gotten older--I have less control than I think. A lot less, in fact. But that's not what we are here to talk about.
We are hear to talk about the youngsters. I am nothing if not disciplined in the feeding, bathing, napping, bedtiming, snacking, whatever elsing of my tots. Control Freak, remember? I am the nap lady. I love nap time ( let's be honest-I've never complained about a nap for myself on occasion). Adam came home from his first day of afternoon kindergarten and asked if he should take his nap. That's good training there, Folks. You don't get that kind of response without having nap lady for a mom. All my littles napped at least until they were four. Sure, the quality and length may have changed, but nap we did. I had friends say, "How do you get them to nap? Mine don't nap any more. If they ever do, they just fall asleep in front of the TV." In front of the TV??? I would think to myself, are you crazy?? In front of the TV? That's ridiculous.
I was so smug.
Well, not any more, the time has come...I am defeated. The nap time control freak has lost. Grant is victorious. There are no more scheduled naps for him. *sigh* I know, he is almost three and a half, but let's not forget the hour this boy's freakin' early! He NEEDS a nap. I NEED him to have a nap. Maybe not every day, but the boy has to make up some zzzz's some where.
As I said, I lost the nap battle. No more naps for him. He just has a "rest" now. A rest is not, I repeat, not a nap--just ask Grant. Clearly, he is way too old for a nap. And where, you ask does he do this "resting".....???
Yup, you guessed it. Right smack dab in front of the old boob tube.
Judge not. Lesson learned.
After 5 kids and 14 1/2 years of child rearing I am just grateful for some down time--I'll take what ever I can get.
Well, at least you've finally joined the club. I think it's a pretty big and prestigious one.
hilarious! farm girl blogging at its finest I daresay. not a fan of the trying to throw the nap phase. because some days are fine. some days are NOT. if they learned to sleep in a little, then it would be different. but that's a rant for another day. :)
I learned long ago to give up on the word "nap". When Jessica was little, she took a "tiny", and as the three youngest out-grew the N-word, we had rest time. Some days they were allowed to watch a movie during rest time, but mostly we just rest quietly in the family room. If someone dozes off, so much the better! And if that someone happened to be mom, well, who am I to complain?
Seriously what is it with these kids and the lack of control we have over them? Some day I would like to take a class "Free Agency and How to Enforce It".
Sorry about the loss of the napping. A sad sad day for sure. But hang in there. The day will come when they all go to school and then let the partying begin.
My best parenting is when that wonderful babysitter (the T.V.) is on. Especially this winter with Tily. We have almost had the T.V. on 24/7. I am far from judging you.
I am a HUGE fan of naps. I am dreading the day Ashton gives up his two-three hour nap. There have been a few days he has fought me on going to sleep and just like you I would later find him conked out in front of the T.V. Thank goodness for the good old boob tube :).
I judge not. I have no kids therefore, no room to judge. But I will say, I have taken a nap everyday this week, and I loved every minute of it! Hopefully my kids will be super nappers, they will need to have a special visit from the official nap lady to whip them into shape!
First of all - I love the look of your blog page - Has it been that long since I checked it out? Take it from your mom who raised eight of you - naps can be over rated - especially if they take them too late in the day!
Hahahaha!! Amen, sister farmgirl!!!!
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