Thursday, May 27, 2010

This is it.

The last day of school.
The last school bell will be ringing in just moments....
Are we ready, Troops?
I think I am.
This has been such a crazy, busy year I am actually looking forward to just being with my own kids for a while.
Are you all okay???
Did the fall cause any permanent damage?
Ya, ya, I know-- you can all get back up off the floor now that you have fallen out of your chair with the shock of that statement.
And, yes, I will need to come and reread that statement often because I'm sure I will forget why exactly I was looking forward to the chaos-fight-fest that we like to call summer vacation.
Actually, the summer is already feeling pretty full to the brim.
I'm sure it will come and go at light speed, just like the school year did.

Only a week and a half until operation Recharge farmgirl's Farmgirlness Ways begins.
We also like to call that, my annual Idaho trip.
Pretty exciting stuff.

All right, that's it.
I'm going to go savor the last 5 minutes of school year that is left for me.


annebabe said...

savor, savor, savor. the time disappears way too fast! and here's my 2 cents:

on the one hand: I like not having to be anywhere or have little people anywhere, by a certain time. hello sleepy-jammie mornings.

on the other hand:

Amanda said...

I love your summer vacay, because it means you will soon be up this way and we can play! Besides that, well, good luck with all the chitlens till fall!

Natalie Nelson said...

Looking forward to yur visit. That means even more people I can ask to watch my 2 best boys while I'm gone. Just kidding. Hope to see you and the troops soon.

stace said...

I already miss you.

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