Oh, how that wind does blow-
Especially here on the heights.
This has been a particularly weird weather year, instead of our normal spring wind we have had sort of a cool-esk/wet-ish spring.
And then yesterday came, and then last night came, and then today came
...and it's been a bit breezy.
Nothing too horrible, unless, of course, you are a pea plant....
A pea plant residing on the south side of the trellis specifically.
When I walked out this afternoon to check on the beloved garden, I discovered those southern trellis pea plants. Poor guys all fallen over, I thought for sure the stems and stocks were all broken. However, on closer examination I discovered that was not the case--
Yes, they were leaning.
Ya, they were falling over, big time.
At a glance it looked like they were beyond any help.
Any closer to the ground and it may have snapped them right in two.
They were hanging on.
They were down, but not out.
How did they do it?
How did they survive?
Holding on to the trellis?
Sort of.
But, mostly,
they were holding onto each other.
There is one little guy living on the south side holding on for dear life, ready to bite the dust and there are a whole bunch of helpful northern friends leaning over the trellis, not letting go. Keeping that friend of theirs from completely falling over.
And I just had the thought while I was picking up those tough southern side pea plants and tucking them back into safety that they maybe feel a little like I do.
Really, really grateful for a garden full of pea plant family and besties.
Really, really grateful for a garden full of pea plant family and besties.
Your Farmgirl roots do run deep...hang in there my little pea pod...love you...
Thanks, farm-mammie. I would of been down for the count without the help a really great garden. :o)
it is just weird!!!
I think our pea plants may be relatives! JUST the other day I went outside to water the 'garden' and all the wind had TOTALLY blown over our poor defenseless pea plants too! Well, part of it is the wind, and part is we didn't realize that our peas were related to that beanstalk that Jack climbed...and that they would grow SO far above our trellis for them.
Silly peas.
Silly DELICIOUS peas.
Oh, and ours survived too... because they were holding onto thier 'friends'!!! Ya just gotta love a life lesson learned from vegetables!
I am SO glad that you are in my garden Farmgirl, I wouldn't have it any other way!
What is up with all of this wind? It has been crazy windy here also.
I too am grateful to friends and family that help me through the wind. Although I wonder if at times I am holding on to them more tightly than they wish I would.
The pocatello wind is relentless, and it's brutality to the garden just doesn't seem fair (or is it fare?). But throw in a little rain and snow with the wind, and we have ourselves a true Pocatello spring!
So, maybe it's the crazy pregnancy hormones or maybe this was just a really good analogy. I, too, love my little garden made up of friends and family. Sometimes the wind seems to blow a little too hard. Thank goodness for you, my little pea, for always being close to your phone when I need you. Now, we just need to get June here already so we can have ourselves a little pea run.
A "little pea run"? Somehow that just sounds wrong. But, I know what ya mean--June is almost here. Don't worry, Mother Hen will be there with you. :o)
And I thought it was windy in Montana...guess not.
oh friend! you are a fantastic little pea. you've tried your durndest to hang on and those helpful northern friends sure must have a lot of love. brilliant post, brilliant analogy and now if you'll excuse me, I have a hankering for fresh peas. ;)
Great analogy! Thanks goodness for good friends and family :)!
great analogy too. Makes me miss my garden.
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