Sunday, September 27, 2009

Grant D-lish Birthday Bash.

"Photo shoot"
(and I use the term loosely considering my photography abilities and camera quality)
with the Birthday Boy went something like this...

Me: Grant, come out side with me, I want to take your picture.
Grant: I'm playing with my train tracks.
Me: Pleeaaasssee.
Grant: Okay.

Me: Smile for me, Grant.
Grant: Okay.
And he gives me this.

Me: Grant, smile for me Buddy!
Grant: Okay.
And he gives me this.

Me: Okay, smile for me...
Grant: Okay.....I see you Mom!
And he gives me this.

Me: Hey, is it your birthday today?
Grant: YES!
Me: Show me your birthday smile.
Grant: Okay.
And he gives me this.
Fake smile phase, here we come.

What a goofball!
He is, how ever, just about the cutest goofball I've ever seen.
I do adore my little man.
He was a really good decision.


Kristina P. said...

He is an adorable goofball!

Robyn Lamoreaux said...

Agreed.....HE was a REALLY good decision! We like him over at our house.

jen said...

Happy Birthday Grant! I love all the cute faces he made for your photo shoot, especially the last one. Fake smile or not, it is adorable. Grant is such a sweet boy.

Anonymous said...

I must say that his little Grant "Delicious" comment in nursery wins the comment of the year for nursery! (and that is saying something!) Go Grant!

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