Friday, December 2, 2011

Clever, clever Toilet lever.

Before we talk about 'Clever, clever Toilet lever' let's talk about 'Rainbows and Unicorns'--which my life is not. Really, who's is? I spent a few days in a 'funk', as my beloved calls it. And, well, I'm feeling a bit better now. Thanks for asking.
And now, on with the show!

Clever, clever Toilet lever.

What's so clever, clever toilet lever--you ask? Something so clever and cute you are sure to be amazed. Okay, I know the suspense is killing you so I'll just show you!

Stocking holder thingy extraordinaire!!
Is that not just fan-diddly-tastic!?!
Want to see it from another angle?? Well, Okay.

I, of course, cannot take credit for this fabulous idea. Amanda passed it along to me. She found it on pinterest. Pinterest intrigues me....but I vow to have my life a wee bit more in order before I plunge into the massive time suck I'm afraid pinterest would be.

Anyhoo, there ya be. Clever, clever toilet lever-- right?


Sydney said...

So Cute! I love it! Pinterest is the best thing ever, but extremely addicting. I love it, but I hate it at the same time haha.

stace said...

very cute. So, is it actually a toilet lever?

Mer said...

Love it - your house looks so fun. Can I invite myself for a tour next summer?

farmgirl said...

Ummm.....heck yes you can!! Love it. It's a date!

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