Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Debbie Downer

Sometimes I grow weary of being the kind of person who keeps it together
(most of the time)
Sometimes I grow weary of trying to see the glass half full.
Sometimes I grow weary of the lemons life hands me.
Guess what? I don't even like lemons.
Every now and again I would like to throw a good old fashioned fit.
Complete with floor laying, kicking, screaming, weeping, wailing, and
gnashing of teeth.

Just in case you were wondering.

post script
and then sometimes just
after you've thrown
your cyber fit your

dad calls with news of
a possible

part time job for your
husband and all
hope doesn't seem
so lost.
but i'm still sick of


Robyn Lamoreaux said...

I would like to see you throw that fit. I think it might just make you feel better, if not better diffinetly would make you tired. I am sorry. I wish you guys a great job and lots of money :)

farmgirl said...

Thanks, TopRobyn. I had actually considered that. Throwing a fit might at least assure me a descent nights sleep. And that would be a welcome treat.

annebabe said...

why should the kids have all the fun? fit throwing is great exercise and a stress reliever to boot. come on, we'll be fit throwers together!! and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the possible part time job actually comes to pass. that would a festivus miracle!

jen said...

Throwing a fit can be very therapeutic. I say go for it. I hope this part time thing works out for you. I am sending positive vibes your way!

stace said...

you have had your fair share of lemons and stay way more positive than I would. I hope your lemon tree dies and you get a yummy pear tree or something in its place.

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