Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Random thoughts, by farmgirl.

Oh, Hi!
So, how's it going?
I'm still here.
Still here with all my random thoughts.
How's about we put some of the random thoughts down for ya?
Here we go.

Here's something.
Someone is having a birthday, real soon.
And since this certain someone is turning 36 she is beginning to think that she may need to stop thinking of herself as "just starting out in the thirties, you know early thirties". It may be time to set that one free and embrace the "over half way done with the thirties". Here's the thing, I'm totally good with it. Couldn't be happier to be 36. It just seems weird sometimes. Ya know what I mean, Vern?
And here's something else, the older I get the crazier I am becoming.
Is anyone else frightened by that statement?
Well, you should be.
Want a few examples?
-I am little old lady, grandma cold. All. the. time. We are talking 3-4 layers of clothing, every day. My grandparents had this wall heater in their house and they would keep it blazing hot--oh, how I wish I could time travel back and move in.
-I have acquired some bizarre sleeping issues. I have to go to bed with my 'Cindy Lou Hoo' super soft and comfy socks on (cold feet), but I must take them off before I completely fall to sleep. Not to mention all the weird light (street light, cell phone light, clock light, smoke alarm light-just to name a few) issues I have.
-Here's a really crazy one. I am beyond a control freak when it comes to the setting on the thermostat. (Let's just set one thing straight right now. I have some serious control freakness inside me, which plays a big part in the whole Crazy Lady thing.) Anyhoo, about the thermostat...while, yes, I am freezing all my waking hours, I am a little heater once I fall to sleep at night. I know! I'm weird. So, at night we turn the thermostat down for comfortable sleeping temperatures. Makes sense, right? BUT, I need to be the one to turn it up. Do Not turn it up before I am up and at 'em. Do Not turn it up while I am in the shower. And for the love! Never turn it up while I am out running.
-I CANNOT stand to have cupboard doors open, newspapers open, pictures not square on the wall, rugs not straight on the floor, clothes folded sloppy, beds made sloppy--you get the idea.

Okay, I believe that's enough to make my point. I am getting weirder all the time. Really, you should all wish me luck as I move on into this next year of life. Or, more appropriately, you should send your well wishes to my family. They get the crazy full time.

The other night I was saying something to Mike and made a comment about how I am turning into a freak, that I didn't used to be so crazy. I think I was some how trying to apologize for the loss of the unfreak-like girl he married many moons ago, saying that it's kind of unfortunate for him that he is now stuck with the freak version of his lovely bride.

He looked at me, smiled and assured me of two things:
First of all that he would not classify me as a freak, that he would use the term 'quirky', that I have some 'quirks'.
And secondly, that I have always been 'quirky'.
Thanks, Dear.


Amanda said...

Oh my quirky sister--
I do just adore you. You come by your freakishly coldness honestly, thanks mom! I can't wait to come down next month and get my run on with you! Nelson sisters reunite! Pretty sure there will need to be a nelson booty walk to celebrate!

Karin Webb said...

I do chuckle a bit when you take off your jacket after only about 2 minutes of running :D And it has been freakishly cold lately so you are not alone in your quirky-ness. Oh, were we going to enter in some kind of race soon?? Maybe we shouldn't keep coming up with excuses and get our cold-selves out in the morning again!!

annebabe said...

Well Vern, me likes your rambling posts. The inner Crazy Lady has to let it out sometimes, not keep it all pent up. and we're sock twins as I feel the exact same way. comfy soft warm to lay down and heat up under the covers, OFF before I really fall asleep or else I'll be grumpy.

ps- I hear your voice in my head when I read your blog, you know that right?

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

I am cold all the time also. I have been known to wear long johns under my dress to church.

And I think it is awesome that you are quirky. That means I can embrace quirkiness also, right?

Hot Mom said...

Doesn't everybody do the sock thing? I too am the only one allowed to touch the thermostat, and I like things neat and orderly.

Hey, I am quirky too!

staci said...

Don't we all have a few quirks? I know I do. For me, absolutely no way do I have socks on in bed. Can't stand it. Even if my feet are cold. Just put them on the hubs legs & they warm right up because he is a heater. I'm right there with you on being the control freak of the thermostat though. It's mine, ALL mine I tell ya!!!

I think everyone will agree when I say that we all love our Farmgirl and all her quirkiness!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh good, I thought I was the only crazy sock lady. Gotta take them off before you fall to sleep though :). Nothing is more irritating then waking up at 3:00 a.m. with roasting hot feet!
Maybe if we all told about our "quirks" we wouldn't feel so dang "quirky"! Thanks for starting us off!

jen said...

I am so glad I am not alone with the sock thing. I keep them on just long enough to warm up and then off they go! I am the controller of the thermostat over here too. It took awhile to convince my husband of this but he now knows it is better to leave it alone :).

Oh and I have weird light issues too. Our computer is in our room so if anything gets left on (monitor, printer, etc.) it drives me crazy.

Fun post! Thanks for sharing some of your quirks!

Mom Nelson said...

You come by some of your quirks honestly but just to keep them in the right perspective remember one of my favorite quotes from"Mash"
"Ladies and Gentlemen take my advice pull down your pants and slide on the ice"

whirligigdaisy said...

Ah. Great post, as always.

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