Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Parenting Update.

Just thought I'd give a quick update as to the whole big, new, exciting implementing of previously discussed parenting tactics. The update is this--I pretty much stink at implementing big, new, exciting parenting tactics. About the only thing that has changed is my new found awareness of behavior that apparently I could possibly change if I were so inclined as to actually use the tools I have acquired.

I am still hoping to read the book with Mike and get him on board--it takes two to tango, right? Or parent as the case may be. I am, however, maintaining high expectations. I guess one could say I'm in the observatory state right now- just collecting all the data before I take the plunge in a new direction....yeah, yeah, that's right, that's what I'm doing-observing-and ~wow~ I'm pretty durn good at it.

In the meantime I will continue to listen the the huffing and puffing and fighting that one day may tear my house down. Good thing (for the most part) I'm a mellow mama.


Megs said...

Can I just say that I could read your blog all day! You are so durn funny, I love the way you phrase things...it reminds me of...ME! No wonder I think you are so smart! :D HAR HAR HAR!
I also happened to have a PhD in Observation, followed with a Masters in Freaking-Out-When-Things-Get-Out-of-Hand. It is a difficult path to forge...yet I do my best! ;D


I think I'm a pretty mellow mama too. When I really want something done...I just threaten that I'm on a verge of a freak out. The very possibility scares them to death! And then there are the times that I actually DO freak out, and every single time, the window is open and a neighbor is outside, or we're all getting into the car (fighting over seats), and there is a person in the car next to us listening to me scream and yell. Fun, isn't it?

Fonzareli said...

I just love you! That's it.

jen said...

You are too funny.

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