Tuesday, November 15, 2011

This could be the beginning of something wonderful....

Do you wanna see how amazing I am??? Look up and a little to the left....Do you see it? Well, do ya??
I created a page on my blog.
And here's the super amazing part....NO BODY HELPED ME.
Thank you. Thank you. You are all too kind.
Go ahead, click on it and check it out.
It is the small beginnings of Farmgirl Food, I'm thinking I should maybe do another blog for it...but for now--it works.
And I did it all by myself!
And, even if I do start a different blog for food stuff, really, my chocolate chip cookie recipe is a signature item so it should be on this blog no matter what.


Nutty Hamster Chick said...

Woohoo!! I am way impressed. And can I just say how much I love alliteration so I absolutely adore the name for the page Farmgirl Food. But maybe better would be Fabulous Farmgirl Food. Or Fantastically Farout Farmgirl Food. In any event way to go. Big high five.

Amanda said...

funny you should post that recipe, I just pulled my last batch of those cookies out of the oven to take to mutual tonight. They are oh so delish! Love the farmgirl food, I'm glad you finally did it! Oh and can hardly wait to see you this weekend!

Natalie said...

Congratulations. Every once in a while it is possible to figure out all this techno stuff. Look forward to all the recipes.

jen said...

Woohoo! I am very impressed. Can't wait to try some of your recipes!

stace said...

I like this...a lot.

whirligigdaisy said...

Yeah. Gonna go check it out. I can NOT make choc chip cookies. Really. I can't.

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