To an All American Hero.
(doesn't he pull off white trash well?
and fyi...those are ROOTbeer bottles)
for the send off of a lifetime,
(took place 2 days before our st. g exit)
water fight of the century
(yes, that is a fire hydrant hose he is holding)
and best ever
'annual jim & jim memorial day neighborhood water party'
(the jims cruised the streets soaking
and then gathering 40 of the local yocals
who then converged on our house for the funnest water fight known to man.
it involved over 2000 water balloons)
He's pretty much my favorite.
Happy 40th My Dearest.
Hope it was a good one, SweetCheeks!!
Nothing about my cake? Happy Birthday Dad!
Classic. Happy Birthday (late) Mike!
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