Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Feeling Surreal.

Well, I'm here. We are Idaho people now.
I cannot believe it will be a week ago tomorrow that I left the St. G.
It is all a blur.
I will sort through it all....eventually....and give the moving story all the glory it deserves.

For now, I am still my mom's right now doing laundry (speaking of which I am also laundry-less for the time being) so I thought I should pop in and let you all know that I am still alive.

Things are a moving and a shaking in our new abode. Lots of work being done right now.
Here's what I have to say about our new abode, besides the fact that I am already in love with it, it still doesn't feel real.
Mike and I have had the same conversation every night....we're here, our stuff is here, we are sleeping in our bed--in Idaho--and yet some how it feels like I am just visiting for the summer, that some how if we drove back to the St. G our stuff would somehow magically appear down there and we would just waltz on back into our old house.

But, eventually it will feel not weird.
I feel like I am just coming out of about a 12 day time warp haze.
I am paying a price for all my worry, hard work, late nights and early mornings.
FYI if you can help it....don't do what I just did. It's a WHOLE LOTTA work and when the dust starts to settle you may find your body will only hold out for so long before you find your self catching a bit of everything going around.

Peace out for now...the laundry is done and the unpacking disaster awaits.


Nutty Hamster Chick said...

I am glad to hear that you are alive. I have been thinking about you. I will have to come and visit you when I come up in July. Strange that I never visited when you lived an hour and a half away, but now, well maybe it can happen.

I always say moving is about the worst thing that can happen to a person. So I totally get that it has been hard for you.

Karin Webb said...

So maybe running for three days in a row right before the move WASN'T the best idea? Is that what you're saying? I'm so sorry if I contributed to your weakened condition. If it helps, I still have not gone running since you've been gone (has it really been a week??)
And I can totally relate- Adam and I kept thinking we were just in a vacation home all last summer. Once school starts again, it will feel more real. And that thought makes me sad once again...

annebabe said...

You're ALIVE!! moving is the pits,any way you slice it. even if the move itself was a good thing and you something you were excited about, the actual moving part always stinks. have fun in your summer vacation home.

driving past your house is just plain torture. seeing it there, empty, sad, abandoned, I hate it. I avoid Rachel drive at all costs. BUT I'm glad you're where you are supposed to be. I'm so coming to visit next month.

Robyn Lamoreaux said...

I am glad to hear your voice! I hope you get feeling better soon and get settled quickly. AS much as I hate that you moved I do know it was for the best. I am so glad you have such a great family and I think they are awesone supporters! I miss you buddy!

Ginger said...

Hey friend. Guess what? I've done the move across states things multiple times. It tends to be a little stressful. Let me ease your mind a least you know somebody (anybody!) where you moved to. Moving to a new town, in a new state, for a new job, into an apartment you rented unseen over the phone, for your sweetheart to work for a boss he's never met = scary. Doing the same thing twice = stupid. I qualify for the "stupid" group. Things will settle into a routine. My first suggestion--bake. It's not "home" until the first baked goods emerge from the oven.

whirligigdaisy said...

So glad you are there safe. I've been thinking about you. Thanks for thinking about me. We're going to be OK.

jen said...

I can't believe you have already been gone for a week and a half!! It just doesn't seem right seeing your driveway empty. Enjoy your new place. Before you know it you will feel right at home. Hope you are feeling better!

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