It hasn't even been two weeks, but it feels like a long time to me.
Now I know there are some who don't post for weeks, even months, at a time. But, me? I usually feel like posting all the time. What happened? Not really sure. Just in a slump, a funk, if you will. Remember that pity party I invited you all to? Well, it came and it went. I was the only attendee, which made it kinda boring. So I abandoned the idea altogether.
Now---I'm back, baby!
And what have I been up to, you ask? I'll tell ya...Not a whole heckuvalot.
We did take a lovely little road trip and spent the weekend with some friends in their cabin (I use the term cabin loosely-it was a pretty nice joint).
And, yes, that might be an ACDC shirt my son is wearing. What does a little white trash clothing hurt every now and again? If he starts to grow a mullet, please, I beg of you--have an intervention.
Riding four wheelers- Check.
Eating- Check.
Playing pool- Check.
Eating- Check.
Watching movies- Check.
Eating- Check.
Chillaxin'- Check.
Break from life- CHECK and double check.
Annnd....just so you are all in the know....we are really planning (and I'm pretty sure we are actually going to pull it off) a small get away for me and my dear ole Mikey. Sets my heart to fluttering just thinking about it! :D I'll keep ya posted.
One more thing.
I think we are all just about ready for school to be out around here. It gets harder every night to get these kiddos in bed. The end is right around the corner and I think we can all feel it in our bones. Summer is a double edged sword for me, but I'm ready for the change of pace. I'm always happy to have them get out and even happier to have them go back. ;o)
Okay, this is the last thing.
I promise.
See what happens when I don't blog? It all just gets bottled up inside and then I have a million things to say. Any who, remember way back in 2005 when Mike and I did this?
All right.
That's all I've got.
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