Monday, May 7, 2012

Even MacGyver would be proud.

Has your Monday been like mine?  Pretty much super inefficient, I'm feeling like I've been spinning my wheels all day around here.  So, I given up on accomplishing much and decided to share with you a project we finished last week that was all sorts of efficient.   
(It's either this or make a pan of brownies 
and we all know I'm trying to avoid that these days.)

Are you ready for something amazing?  Something so fantastic you can hardly stand it?  This is re-purposing at it's finest. I'm talking about the Queen Mother of Fabulous Projects.

Project:          Firepit & Patio
Supplies:      Old tractor tire rim, Old concrete, Tractor, Shovel,
                             Sledgehammer & People who really love you &
                             your wild ideas
Cost:               Blood, Sweat & Tears

bring in piles of concrete with the tractor, 
 take a sledgehammer to it,
break it into big pieces

bring in old tractor tire rim (also with tractor),
dig a hole for the tire rim 
(NOT with the tractor)
 dig out the grass and start placing the concrete

work in progress
(actually a lot of work)

almost done
bring in more dirt to fill in the cracks

victory is ours!
the first fire

followed quickly with a cookout

Our new patio & fire pit.
Isn't she a beauty?
Who's coming over for smores & a little star gazing?

I am seriously in love with this project.
I admire it a minimum of 800 times a day.


stace said...

That is super cool. We love firepits and ours always begin with ghetto supplies, but usually remain that way. Yours, on the other hand...nice work!

Karin Webb said...

That is amazing! For reals.

jen said...

That is seriously cool! I love it. I need one of those in my backyard!

annebabe said...

I'm grabbing the marshmallows and heading out the door. be there in, say, 8 or 9 hours ish.

Anneke said...

Seriously. You rock. I love it! and I love all of your handy "pioneer" ideas. I need you to instill that in me. Big time. I'm also extremely jealous of your view. It all just about makes me cry with envy. I really might stop by for some smores and star gazing!!

Pat said...

Love, love, love it. Way to go and a gold star for making something out of nothing.

This Idaho Girl said...

That is amazing. Digging holes is never as easy as it looks is it? Also, attacking concrete with sledgehammers is only therapeutic for 3 minutes.

Robyn Lamoreaux said...

As always AMAZING! Isn't it time to move back yet? I miss my friend.

mn_cnking said...

Looks wonderful - you guy are great.


That's really cool. And I really love the orange chair.

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