Tuesday, May 1, 2012


It's time I face the music, admit to something I have known for quite some time.
Me and freshly warm baked chocolatey treats, we are not besties.
We are frenemies.
I want to be besties, really I do.  I've spent years- a whole life time- working on our relationship.

I thought we were besties, a match made in heaven.  It's been a good run.....but,
the old metabolism, she aint what she used to be.
I think that's a big part of it, and also I'm an emotional eater.
A big time emotional eater.

Now, listen, I know I'm not morbidly obese.  I don't weigh 700 pounds (yet).
Lucky for me--REALLY lucky for me--I was blessed with great genetics and I fairly high metabolism, because as my mother used to tell me as a kid when I was shoveling in the sweets,
"If life were fair, you'd be as big as a barn."
And she was right.  Life isn't fair.  And in that particular case it really worked to my advantage.
Well, life is catching up to me now.

Something must be done.
I came up with a little plan several weeks ago.
I called it 'TreatsTimes2', which means I can have two treats twice a week.  Maybe to some people that still sounds like a lot, but trust me when I tell you it's much less than I have been known to have.
And, I just don't think I want to give it up all together.
The plan hasn't panned out as I had hoped.

So, my new plan is to:
 -admit to my frenemy relationship
-write it here
-get the support of my peeps
-and stick to it, at least for the month of May.  That's also part of the new plan...to have an a-MAY-zing month.  One month.  Just one.  And see where I'm at.

Wish me luck.
My name is farmgirl and treats are my frenemy.


Mer said...

I have a similar relationship with the treats... and zero willpower. Let me know how your plan works and maybe it can inspire me - still have baby pounds to lose - from both kids...

Natalie Nelson said...

The best thing I can think of to lay off the seewts is to keep yourself busy with other things. Mine is yard work (ans as you know I have a lot to keep me busy) and go into the kitchen as little as possible to avoid all the baking ingredients taunting me to mix them up into a chocolaty morsel of goodness.

Hannah Singleton said...

Well, Farmgirl, you are catching it on the right end of the problem. Believe me - when those 700 lbs ARE present it is much more difficult :( I wish you all the best of luck!

stace said...

I understand, far too well, my friend. I had to cut way back to lose some of the baby weight. It was really hard at first, but now it's just hard and I deal. I really think every night should end with a warm, home baked goodie, but my body doesn't agree.

annebabe said...

good luck darling! you are farmgirl and you can do anything!

Robyn Lamoreaux said...

Ditto Ditto and Ditto! I have also made a similar commitment.
Let's meet up in a month or so and compare notes:)

Idaho Ice Track and Field said...

I ditto Mer and I'm not proud of it.

jen said...

I hear ya. I eat waaaay more treats than I should. Good luck!

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