Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Realist

T-minus 3 minutes to departure for school this morning Elsie's face lights up and she yelps,
"Oh, oh, oh!! Mom! Mom! Mom! Can I have a quarter? I want to get one of the raffle baskets at school!"

Quick side note:
For those who may not be aware,
the elementary school
here does raffle baskets every spring.
There are many choose from and
I think it's a fairly successful event at the school.

To which Lucy replies, with a roll of the eyes,
"Yeah, Mom...could you give Elsie a quarter? She would like to buy a little tiny slip of paper for twenty five cents."


Nutty Hamster Chick said...

Don't we all miss the days when we thought anything was possible, even winning raffles? I know I do.

Unknown said...

that. is. awesome.

jen said...

That is too funny! Brianne has spent a good chunk of her birthday money on those tiny slips of paper. At least it is for a good cause, right?! Plus, I have to admit, those baskets are pretty cool!

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