Thursday, March 3, 2011

I'm pooped....

who knew it could be so exhausting just thinking about all the things I need to do?
Because, I certainly haven't accomplished much this week.
So, ya, apparently my thought process is so profound that it can actually wear me right out.
On the bright side: the boomerang SEP week is coming to a close- this go 'round hasn't bugged me so much, it's just weird to have the wee ones home in the very middle of the day and only one more day until the Lake to Lake relay race, I really have not done any hard core training for this...oh, who am I kidding? When do I ever do any hard core training for anything???
.....Anyhoo, time for me to shuffle off to Buffalo and see if I can't get a kid or two to cooperate with me and hit the hay without much of a fight so this tired old lady they call mother can go to bed early tonight.
Peace Out.



Good luck on your run! I just want ONE run without wind and snow. That's all.

I'm tired too. good night.

jen said...

I want to hear all about your race! It was fun to look over my fence and see people running by! There was tons of cheering going on.

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