Friday, October 1, 2010

Not a fence-sittin' kind of a Gal.

I hate indecisiveness.
It's slightly bothersome when I see it in other people, drives me absolutely crazy when it's me.
I know this is ridiculous, but it really bugs me that I don't update this blog.
That this blog, that I once so enjoyed, is yet another source of frustration for me.
Believe me when I tell you that I have plenty of frustration already.
I have frustration out the ying-yang some days!
Frustration that makes me want to gauge my own eyes out with blunt object, then rip all my hair out by the roots, then bang my head against the wall until the cows come home.
(Or make and eat lots of warm, chocolate comfort food--which is the option I tend to fall back on.)
I want to be that funny gal that blogged sometimes multiple times a week.
Really, I do.
But I'm not.
That gal is burnt out.
Burnt Out.
I know there is still funny, quirkiness left in's just a little harder to tap into these days.
And since I established this blog as a funny, quirky place I never feel quite right about tellin' it like it really, really is.
Are we good with that?
Is that an option for me?
Can I still use this thing to ramble?
Cuz, you know, rambling is one of my many gifts.
Besides the whole "not feeling the funny"--I have been so freaking busy just keeping my head above water for the last year and half that it is seriously hard to find the time to blog.
Now, I know I'm not the only one with stuff. Everybody has stuff. I know that.
At the moment, I just happen to be really sick of mine.
The point I am so round about the way trying to make, because I usually do have a point--just takes me a while to get there--is this:
I'm a do-er or a don't-er.
I'm no fence sitter.
I'm a blogger or I'm not.
So, what's it going to be self?
Is you in or is you out?
Well, when you put it that way...I guess I'm in.
I just might need to make up new blog rules in my head.
Yes, in my head I have blog rules for myself.
My rules are that I blog AT LEAST every week/week and a half.
How 'bout we change that to two weeks to a month....
Guilt free.
See, that's the key. Guilt free.
Okay, I think that may be doable.
I feel much better now.
Glad we could talk.


Megs said...

Chicka I soooooo UNDERSTAND you! :) I have been feelin' the SAME way about by blog lately! In fact I was JUST trying to catch up on some old blog posts when your new post came up...spooky huh?
I {heart} when you update your blog, but I TOTALLY get that it takes time...and that is HARD to come by sometimes...well, er...ALL the time! I will follow you, and your blog, as much or as little as you can post! :) I love ya girl!

Natalie Nelson said...

I have been in a blog funck as well. Don't stress over the blog. All of us out there understand to some degree. You are strong you will make it. Don't feel you have to be strong all the time though. Have a good cry every now and then. It helps you feel alive. Stress has a way of making you feel numb so let it out and then keep truckin.

Amanda said...

Oh dear sister... I know just how you feel about the blogging crap. I have never been the kind to blog a lot. I figure it is there to have fun with and to do or dont when you feel like it. Even if someone tells you that you need to do it more, just do what you feel like. And yes, do it guilt free! Miss you tons!!! I will try to give you a call this week, it has been too long since I have chatted it up with you! Oh and Oliver misses you BTW. :)


I'm thinking more like once a week.
Because you're blog makes me laugh.
And I like to laugh.
At least once a week.
So how 'bout that?
Is you in or is you out?

whirligigdaisy said...

Blogging guilt is dumb guilt. Though I know where you're coming from, let it go. The guilt, that is. Totally not worth it. Blog when you want, don't when you don't. There. All solved.

annebabe said...

personally, I could use me some farmgirl blogging on a daily kinda basis. but since that is a no-go, I'll take what I gets when I be getting it. so I guess I'm saying, count me in. :)

andrea said...

BE A BLOGGER. That's all I have to say about that. I love to read your "ramblings" and have yet to be disappointed. Well, except when it takes a month to update. Then maybe.

Mer said...

new blog posts are like unexpected presents - just enjoy when you get them, and don't think about them when you don't. And like other commenters, I always love whatever you have to say, whenever you have a minute, so keep on keeping goal is two posts a month and if i make it I make it, if not oh well...

Ginger said...

Hey Farmgirl! I think there are WAY more important things to stress about than a blog. Update when you can and we'll all be here ready & waiting when you do. Take a deep breath, bake some yummy goodness & find your happy place. Hugs!

stace said...

I vote everyday. Sorry. Drop everything else you need to so that you can blog. I need entertainment in my life.

Hot Mom said...

I'm with Stacia on this one. Give us a break. We are a long way away and we need our info/laugh. I guess I am willing to cut you a little slack since I haven't updated my blog in a week, but just a little. Miss you, miss your blog. Hang in there.

jen said...

I always love when you post! But I understand that life gets busy. I'm glad you will still post, even if it is only once or twice a month... I hope somehow things get a little less frustrating and busy for you!

Robyn Lamoreaux said...

Oh my! I guess I am out of the blog world since I am your 13th comment. I vote guilt when you want, that's my motto. You are loved when you put words down and loved when you don't. Although I do look forward to the day you are a little less stressed, I miss my farmgirl! Love you.

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