during the past 18 days since I last posted
you would have enjoyed many great posts to this blog.
In fact, if I could blog straight from my brain I would post several times a day.
Just thought I should let you know.
(i'm going to let you in on a weird little secret of mine....)
sometimes I think in blog post talk.
Don't judge--I never claimed to be normal.
Yes, I know, you thought I was strange before and now I have confirmed it.
Well, there ya go...
Things are looking up around here.
And I COULD NOT be more pleased about that.
And, yes, for your reading pleasure I do plan to make blogging a regular part of my life again.
But, it might have to wait just a bit longer---
Me madre and me padre are coming to visit for a few days==woohoo!
And I have a work writing assignment that needs to be done by the end of next week.
be patient my peeps.
Farmgirl loves you.
I knew there was a reason we were such good friends. I often view my life through blog colored glasses. I wonder what quirky things that happen through the week will be blog worthy. My only problem...getting old. By the time I sit down at the computer I can't remember.
Looking forward to many more posts.
I want to hear about your job as a writer:) Funny how we survived high school together, yet I feel, as I read your blog, that I didn't know you nearly as well as I should have. Missed opportunities...
Just another side job I picked up about a year ago...I do some web writing for a friend that designs web sites. Mostly about places here in Utah. It's really a fun job.
I'm being patient. enjoy some much needed Howard D and Sharon time. Them is good people.
Them is good people. Hooray for things looking up. You should get to work on inventing a thing that would let you blog from your brian, I am sure it could make you millions. I will be your first customer.
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