Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Good News/ Bad News

Good News:
I have officially passed to my offspring the joys of baking and enjoying all the delicious rewards.

Bad News:
This means I have to share the kitchen.

Good News:
My children are turning into fantastic little bakers.

Bad News:
I have not yet passed on the joys and art of cleaning to the level of a Mom Job clean kitchen.

Good News:
I have three busy bakers at my house.

Bad News:
We are flying through ingredients around here.

Good News:
It entertains the baking child for a good chunk of time.

Bad News:
They each want the kitchen and surrounding area cleared of all siblings while they create.

Good News:
They each want to make something often. Like every day often.

Bad News:
I enjoy their creations. A lot.

Good News:
One day they will all have families and kitchens of their own to create for and destroy in.

Won't that be nice?
I will visit often.



jen said...

Your kids can share some their baked creations with me!! That is awesome that you have passed your amazing talent to bake onto your children. Their own families will thank you for it one day :)!

Amanda said...

There most definitely is some sort of baking thread going through the fam. Between Molly's delish desserts, Howard's yummy food, anything you make, all the food Mom prepares mixed with everything else the rest of us bring to the table, I am sure glad that life isn't fair, I really wouldn't like to be the size of a barn. (although, I'm just about there at this point...Dang child, he better be worth it.) Nice work on keeping the baking going. I do love me some home made goodness Schoenfeld style.

annebabe said...

Good news: more goodies for the neighbors

bad news: wait, I'm not seeing much of that here. My kitchen didn't get sullied and my treat likelihood has now increased three fold. Yep, mostly a win/win for the ol' neighbor folk. Thanks Schoenfeld bakers!!

Mom Nelson said...

I hear ya.....

andrea said...

Bad news--no one has come over to sell me these goods. What? The giant no soliciting sign Brian made is scaring them away? It's all for show. I want some treats!

Fonzareli said...

I just love you. You make me smile!
The End

Natalie Nelson said...

I just have one question. When you visit those kitchens in the future will you be the creator or the destroyer? Will you still cook delicious treats for eats or will you be secretly trashing the kitchen to get even for when they did the same in yours?

whirligigdaisy said...

Sounds yummy.

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