Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Good News/ Bad News

Good News:
I have officially passed to my offspring the joys of baking and enjoying all the delicious rewards.

Bad News:
This means I have to share the kitchen.

Good News:
My children are turning into fantastic little bakers.

Bad News:
I have not yet passed on the joys and art of cleaning to the level of a Mom Job clean kitchen.

Good News:
I have three busy bakers at my house.

Bad News:
We are flying through ingredients around here.

Good News:
It entertains the baking child for a good chunk of time.

Bad News:
They each want the kitchen and surrounding area cleared of all siblings while they create.

Good News:
They each want to make something often. Like every day often.

Bad News:
I enjoy their creations. A lot.

Good News:
One day they will all have families and kitchens of their own to create for and destroy in.

Won't that be nice?
I will visit often.


Friday, July 2, 2010

Wasatch Back. -take two-

Here we are again, another Ragnar Relay under my belt.
That's three now:
Wasatch Back 2009, Vegas 2009, and Wasatch Back 2010.
Remember that crazy sister of mine that got me involved in all this?
Yep, this girl right here. This year was a little different....
this year she looked like this:

That's right, 30 weeks pregnant.
Do the math, peeps. That's 7 months.
Actually, I think if she would of done the math
she may have reconsidered.

she is a dutiful team captain...

And, really, with a team like this???Who could pass it up???

Not just a team as awesome as ours--
(Shout out to all members of
We Need More Cowbell)
--But, a van load like this....
Hello?!? We rock.
In this amazing van we have a slew of Nelson folk.

Richard, Amanda, Sara, Me-farmgirl, and Jonathan.
5 out of 8 siblings, not bad at all.

And the honorary Nelson we rounded up to finish the van off.....
My good buddy, and long lost pal
(thank you facebook)
We go way back. Way, way back.
We were biology partners in high school.
We hadn't seen each other in
many moons.
He was a great sport to hop on board with the

So, this Ragnar round was a little different this year.
What with the life of the party growing a baby and all...
there was a little less craziness and picture taking and a little more of this
type of behavior than usual.

When it came time for our night runs and I found myself with a van full of zombies
I thought it would be a great time to whip out the old camera.
These night pics were snapped all during the night running extravaganza.
As you will see, I think it was appreciated by all...
(Now, as you view these--please try to control your insane jealousy over my
supreme amazing good looks during the hours of 2-5:30 AM
And, please, do remember and take into consideration
that I had just run 7 miles.

Me and Justin. He LOVED the flash photography.

Me and Sara. She was doing her best to ignore me, I think.
Weird, huh?

Me and Jonathan and Richard.
They were cooperative...
Well, sort of.

Who's missing?
Oh, that would be sleeping beauty.
I couldn't contort my body from the front seat to get a self portrait with her,
but if you look real close,
under that massive pile of blankets, pillows, missing sweat shirts, and my long lost yoga pants
you will see a little tuft of hair...
ya, that one kind of on the left...
that's all we saw of Amanda after she finished her run.

She was one tired little lady.
But when it was all said and done...
at the completion of her last leg and the beginning of mine
I couldn't help but take a moment and give her a squeeze.
Now, before you get all misty eyed...
why don't I give you some behind the scenes info:
First of all, she nearly bowled me over (this girl was pooped),
it was all I could do to keep us standing.
Secondly, she later told me that this was not in fact a tender moment for her,
rather that she just wanted me to leave because I was going to make her cry.
She is such a sweet thing. ;)

One final look at
Da Boyz.

Da Girlz.

So, 16.5 miles later...

(Which, I thoroughly enjoyed running.
No, really, I did.
All that worrying I did? Silly, really.
In the end
I just decided to go out there, enjoy the scenery and have a great time.)

A good time was had by all.
Well, by this girl at any rate.

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