Thursday, October 30, 2008

Once you all recover from heart failure...

I hope you will enjoy my new blog. Yes, I have caved. I am now officially "blogging", I guess I figured since everyone has moved on to face book it's now time for me to start a blog. I generally run a good decade behind the rest of the techno world so this is huge for me. I'm actually way ahead of my game here.

And Now For A Little Story....
Once upon a time there was a little Idaho farm girl. She had many great farm adventures. One day she realized she was all grown up. She fell in love with a great guy. She left the farm, got married and had a baby. She kept having babies until at last she had five babies. She doesn't know exactly when it happened but one day she realized her life was very full. This is the story of my life post-farm. Farm life was hard, but this life is crazy. I am living in a house all filled up with crazy....and I wouldn't change a thing.


andrea said...

WHAT?!?!?! Am I the first one to find this gem? I am so happy! I was afraid I would have to start a blog on your behalf and tell your stories for you...and let's face it, I can hardly keep up with my own stories. Hooray!!!

Bottoms Family said...

That is awesome! Welcome to blogspot. I'm not very good about keeping mine up to date. OOOPSSS

Sarah said...

I can totally use more crazy in my life--- so thanks for sharing your very own special brand of it. Love your fairy tale. Happily ever after indeed.

jen said...

I am so glad you finally got your own blog. I know it will always be entertaining to read!

staci said...

Welcome to the blogging world!! Can't wait to read about more adventures of farm girl and her cute family!

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